Laser Dentistry
Lasers in dentistry allow for many dental procedures to be performed pain-free and with fewer appointments. All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. The surgical and dental procedures performed with dental lasers are minimally invasive and preferable to conventional surgery.
Benefits of Laser Dentistry
- Little or no need for anesthetic, in most cases
- Reduced heat, vibration and pressure (the main cause of pain associated with dental drills)
- Less postoperative complications
- Little to no bleeding
- Reduced postoperative pain and swelling
Laser Treatments
- Reshape gum tissue to reduce “Gummy Smile”
- Biopsy or remove soft tissue lesions and ulcers
- Laser Periodontal Treatment (pocket reduction without cutting the gum)
- Crown Lengthening without cutting the gum with a scapel
- Troughing Around Teeth for Crown and Bridge Impressions
- Exposing implants without cutting the gum
- Smile Enhancement
- Frenum Release (Frenectomy)
- Correct Ankyloglossia (tongue-tied)