If you grind your teeth throughout the night without notice, you could be applying substantial pressure, as much as 250 pounds of force, leading to long-term problems with the temporomandibular joint. Treatment may not be able to eliminate teeth grinding, but it can reduce its impact and frequency, as well as alleviate associated symptoms. We…
Les Belles Announces Second Dental Office Location in New York City
Les Belles is expanding their full-service dental practice, Les Belles Park Sixty is located at 110 E 60th Street, Suite 902 in NY, NY 10022. Doors and practice will be open and ready to serve patients on December 10, 2018. We are thrilled to be opening the new office, which means expanded access to integrative…
Please Pass Me The Salmon!
Eat more salmon because: It helps reduce your risk of cancer. It helps improve your cardiovascular health. It helps improve your cognition. It protects your bones and joints. It gives you healthier skin. It improves your vision. It improves your metabolism. It is known to calm children with ADHD. It is rich in omega-3 fatty…
Dental Sealants To The Rescue!
If you were falling into a pit, wouldn’t you want something (like a safety net) to catch you? Anyone who has the opportunity to prevent harm would take it, wouldn’t you? Dental sealants provide you with one way to prevent harm that can enter into you or your child’s teeth. What are dental sealants? Dental…
Sauna & Steam Skin Therapy
Do you recall that we discussed a different ancient skin therapy in a recent post? Just like mud skin therapy, the use of heat and water has been used for centuries to enhance, heal and beautify skin. Saunas are used for this type of therapy. A sauna is a small room or building that is…
Bless Your Sol
“The most beautiful thing under the sun is being under the sun.” – Christa Wolf Sun is the best medicine, and here are 10 reasons why. Vitamin D – While you can get vitamin D from foods such as oily fish, red meat, cereals, milk and mushrooms, the best and easiest way to get your…
Oatmeal – The Ultimate Comfort Food (Even In The Summertime!)
Choosy eaters, choose oatmeal. Let’s think back to one of the pickiest women in fairy tale history, Goldilocks. She chose her “just right” bowl of porridge. (You can read more about her story here and discover why it’s ok to be picky!) Oatmeal is actually a kind of porridge. They are not the same thing…
5 Health Benefits To Biting Into A Juicy Strawberry
Go grab a big bowl of strawberries and enjoy their sweet juicy red goodness while you read about the benefits you’re giving to your body! Before we begin, let’s set the record straight. A strawberry is not actually a berry. Bananas are berries, but strawberries are not. The reason for the misnomer for the strawberry…
Skin Therapy
Mud has been used and enjoyed for thousands of years. Humans have sought after the medicinal muds and healing clays for centuries. These rich muds can be found deep in underground veins or estuaries. It is one of the oldest skin treatments known to man. Why Mud? Clays are the perfect skin purifying and beautifying…
Natural Breath Fresheners
You know what’s super bad? Bad Breath! Not only does it give you a bad taste in your mouth and affect the foods you eat, but it also permeates the air all around you. Bad Breath Stinks Bad breath can mean you have a buildup of plaque on your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth…