Painless Root Canals
Many people cringe at the thought of needing root canal therapy (RCT). Generally, this fear stems from myths circulating about the procedure when in truth, root canal therapy can save a badly infected tooth from extraction. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, RCT patients do not have to experience discomfort during the procedure.
Patient comfort and well-being is our top priority. Here at Les Belles NYC, we provide a relaxed atmosphere complete with natural soothing scents and sounds to ease away any anxiety you may have regarding this procedure. And just as important, we walk our patients through every step of the procedure. We believe empowerment through understanding leads to peace of mind.
The materials we use at Les Belles NYC are high quality and biocompatible. We earn our patients’ trust in supporting their healthy lifestyles by offering services and products that are in line with a more earth-friendly existence. Mixed metals and materials with BPAs are not used in our practice. We choose the best materials on the market that will not cause harm or irritation.
Root Canals Offer Pain Relief for Infected Teeth!
The excruciating pain of an infected tooth occurs when the nerve center of the tooth has been injured due to decay or through trauma to the tooth. Swelling may occur as an abscess forms at the base of the root. This can give rise to a life-threatening emergency if the infection is not removed because of the toxins that can enter the bloodstream.
During a RCT, the nerves are carefully removed from the tooth and the area is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and then filled with gutta-percha. Gutta-percha seals off the root canal and prevents bacteria from re-entering. We use the highest quality gutta-percha and sealer on the market, followed by a BPA-free resin material to fill in the remainder of the tooth.
After the removal of the nerve, the tooth becomes more brittle and more vulnerable to fractures. In most cases, teeth that have undergone root canal therapy must be restored with a crown to provide strength and stability. We use all ceramic crowns, or CEREC crowns, which are free of mixed heavy metal alloys to restore the strength of your tooth.
RCT is a healing procedure that can save your original tooth and keep your beautiful smile intact. Our warm and relaxed office environment calms your mind and eases your body while we restore health to your infected tooth.
We provide for emergency dental services and offer early morning and evening hours during the weekday to support our patients’ busy lifestyles. We are also available on Saturday. There is never any reason to suffer from a painful tooth when the soothing oasis of Les Belles NYC is here to help.